
Born on May 24, 1955.
1983 – Graduated from Moscow State Institute of Foreign Relation, Department of International Economic Relations.
1983-1988 - economist, "Technopromimport", the Ministry for Foreign Trade, Moscow.
1988-1990 - expert, "Selkhozpromexport", the Ministry for Foreign Economic Relations , Moscow.
1990-1993 - senior engineer, the Trade Representation of Russia in Syria, Damask.
1993-1995 - senior specialist, the Ministry for Foreign Economic Relations, Moscow.
1995-1999 - senior expert, the Trade Representation of Russia in India, New Delhi.
1999-2003 – director of Division, the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade RF, Moscow.
2003-2006 - senior expert, the Deputy Trade Representative of Russia in Canada, Ottawa.
2006-2009 - director of Division, the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, Moscow.
2009 – 2014 – acting Trade Representative of the Russian Federation in Australia, Canberra.
2014 – 2016 - acting Trade Representative of the Russian Federation in the Republic of South Africa, Johannesburg.
2017 until present – Director for Innovation Technologies, Russian Business Council for Cooperation with Malaysia.