Peskov calls positive Mercedes-Benz expansion on Russian market while competitors leave

Presidential spokesperson Dmitry Peskov called the desire of foreign industrial companies, in particular, Mercedes-Benz to occupy the niches in the Russian market that were freed up after competitors left - a positive factor.
Speaking about the work schedule of the President, Peskov announced President Putin’s plans to attend the opening ceremony of the new car assembly plant in the Moscow region, calling this event "further expansion in the good sense of the word to the Russian market by Mercedes-Benz."
"Mercedes is expanding its presence," the Kremlin spokesman told reporters before the ceremony in the Esipovo industrial park on Wednesday "Some companies cannot conquer the necessary market segment - you know, Ford refuses to manufacture passenger cars (in Russia), but other companies, on the contrary, compensate for the absence of their competitors." Peskov stressed that "the process is developing, it is positive."
According to the Kremlin spokesperson, the President traditionally pays great attention to the topic of foreign investment into the Russian economy.
