Grain export quota may be discussed at meeting with Putin — Kremlin

Russian presidential spokesman, Dmitry Peskov did not rule out that a quota for grain export from Russia will be discussed at a meeting between the president and government on Wednesday.
"I can’t rule it out, and perhaps it will be discussed today by the government," he told reporters. However, he noted that "this is an issue of the government — that of regulating the grain market."
Earlier, the Ministry of Agriculture announced a proposal of introducing from April 1 a quota of 7 mln tonnes for grain exports from Russia.
On Wednesday, Putin will discuss with members of the government problems the agricultural sector is facing, taking into account the current situation in the economy. According to the Kremlin’s press service, the main topic of the meeting will be "the course of the spring field agricultural work in 2020 and the development of the agro-industrial complex in the long term, taking into account crisis circumstances."
