Accounts Chamber warns of stagnation risks in Russia’s mineral resource base

The Accounts Chamber also noted that due to the decline in the geological exploration performance, a significant imbalance has formed between the increase and disposal of certain mineral reserves.
Development of Russia’s mineral resource base faces stagnation risks due to declining efficiency of geological exploration activities, according to Accounts Chamber materials, reviewing the execution of the 2020 budget by the Federal Agency for Mineral Resources (Rosnedra).
"The development of the country's mineral resource base faces stagnation risks due to a general decline in the areas identified as promising for prospecting and evaluation of mineral deposits, as only the forecasted resources of the lowest categories are assessed within them, and insufficient geological exploration of Russia’s territory limits prospecting reserve potential," the Accounts Chamber said.
The Accounts Chamber also noted that due to the decline in the geological exploration performance, a significant imbalance has formed between the increase and disposal of certain mineral reserves.
