Russia managed to reach 4th - 5th position by GDP globally in 24 years

"This is the country that survived on fractures of the Soviet Union and became the successor to that once-great power," Dmitry Peskov underlined.
The Russian budget was slightly above the New York’s budget in early 2000s, but the country managed to reach the 4th - 5th place in the world by the gross domestic product volume in 24 years, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov said.
"The budget of our country was slightly above the budget of the New York City on the verge of the current century. Such times were then and it was just recently," Peskov said. "This is the country that survived on fractures of the Soviet Union and became the successor to that once-great power. So we managed to work our way in 24 years to the 4th - 5th position by GDP by the purchasing power parity. This was the enormous way," he stressed.
Russia managed not merely to survive but also to "recover," Peskov noted.
